Seeking Help in Returning to Work?
After recovering from an injury or illness, going back to work can be challenging. By turning to Momentum Healthcare, Inc., you’ll be able to complete the transition with ease. Our compassionate team specializes in work rehabilitation in Jacksonville, FL. We have the skills to help you return to your job and restart your usual routine. Contact us today for more information.
Guiding You Every Step of the Way
With over decades of industry experience, we take assisting job seekers in Jacksonville, FL, return to work. Our experienced staff does what it takes to get you back to being employed in the field you love. To do this, we connect you with the resources you need, including websites to use to find a job and listings of jobs for people with disabilities.
Additionally, we counsel you, providing you with disability management, job coaching, details about injured workers’ rights, and rehabilitative counseling. We provide you with the most helpful advice. If you would like us to assist you with returning to your job or finding a new position after being on medical leave, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our professionals are always ready to help anyone in need.